I thought forest gauntlets were worth 1-2 solids, because of multiple posts on the wiki. So I traded my items in AJPW for that worth in AJC, only to learn that I had overtraded significantly for those items, and I can't get them back now.
I'm really hoping that a moderator or admin can create a page that has a set amount for converting solids to forest gauntlets (and converting other rare AJPW items for AJC items), so others can avoid what happened to me. It'd be really helpful for people.
I'd traded away green dragon wings, green myth, green furry arm cuffs, a glider, and rare curly antlers for AJC items worth a fraction of them, and even though I won't be using AJPW anymore, it still sucks. So I hope something can be done so others don't get worth manipulated unknowingly (I'd also like to point out that the people I traded with likely also hadn't known the worth of teal forest in solids). A page to make this clearer would be greatly beneficial to the wiki.