Pearlescent vine tail for 400 dims and purple mummy tail for 325 dims
User is aquazone
Trading these items, lf listed but i'm also open to offers! :D
(entire lucky clover set is also for trade)
Jag my user!!
I have the entire summer leaf bundle which is worth a bit and i’m adding den betas as well! Jag me @ goodjov if interested!
I have some bundle items that are worth a bit on the wiki that I want to trade up with. Jag me at goodjov if you have offers for this list of stuff! Also willing to trade singular sets for wiki worth. Just ask! Most sets are tagged except for the Don’t be Jelly Collection. (Red Jelly Armor.) Added pictures but have bad camera quality :( <goodjov>
User: kitkatthejackalope
I don't check here often so if you comment I may not see.
All items 20 diamonds or more I will gladly take trades for if your offer is listed worth in spikes or den betas.
If you would like to trade Jag me or comment on my wall!
!! Diamond prices:
Lava Spiked collar - 5
Ancient Spiked collar - 20
Ancient Spiked wristband - 5
Seafoam short spiked collar - 35
Seafoam short spiked wristband - 20
Rare Jamaaliday Cat Hat - 5
Jamaaliday Gingerbread Wings - 3
Jamaaliday Bell Necklace - 1
Jamaaliday Bell Bracelets - 1
Peppermint Fancy Beret - 62
Peppermint Enchanted Faerie Wings - 105
Stegosaurus Tail (purple non rare) - 3
Star Hat (purple non rare) - 3
Delightful Zombie Mummy Tail - 105
Opalescent Phantom Gauntlets - 20
Pearlescent Fairy Wings - 145
Rare Summer Cat Hat - 3
Jag me if interested name is starci
I'm looking to trade down all of these, and my autos for each item are on my jammer wall (user: Siilvvyy). These are just autos though so feel free to offer whatever. :)
; um hi first post i think!!! yay! um i am trying to trade/sell some of this stuff away...i am accepting listed or listening to offers!!! please take them...please
i am also trading the pearlescent necklace that i forgot to add whoops
Trading ^^
Put ur offers in comments
My aj user is the same as here
Looking for listed for anything on my trade here;
Dragon Tail is worth a solid
Pink Beta Tail is worth two solids
Archway is a good short (or more, looking for red or black short!)
Each of the chairs are worth a decent long collar each!
And the tail is worth 2 good longs! Willing to do the tail + nm db for a solid, though :J
Either reply here or jam-a-gram me at Klnglsh! (I's are lowercase L's)