LOOKING FOR: (paying 10-15 each)
LOOKING FOR: (paying 10-15 each)
Always restocked! Big mall @ eternalreign! A bunch of collector items, spikes, miscellaneous clothing, old diamond bundles, betas, masterpieces, nature, pets, and other shit
And I'll be either buying the items for diamonds OR trading 15-20 rims per item, OR for several items trading clothing betas, den betas, or the following for:
Reply or message me beforehand. If you can't type in my username, copy it here: Mongoosè
I could also do custom masterpieces (art), pet with effects, or adventure items (up to 20) for them too if you really want :)
ALSO REALLY LOOKING FOR THESE ITEMS (first part): https://aj-item-worth.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000001600295
Looking for a member den beta on each or 25 diamonds. Jag if deal: mvmptk
Looking to trade the followings items on HAIR SALON COLLECTION:
Black salon sinks
Blue salon waiting chair fowards
Blue salon waiting chair bakwards
Blue salon magazine table
Blue salon reception desk
Blue salon station
4 blue salon pump chair
White salon broom
Blue salon products
2 pink salon sinks
Crazy wigs
Looking to trade for a non-member den beta each
Comment or JAG ME: mvmptk
All these ft, also shop my den user is beanskoala (they're behind the watermelon and sushi stands)
Reply with any offers :>
No highest/auto for the fly
Only lf dbs for the spikes and possibly max worth for everything else
Ones that are crossed out have been traded
Reply with any offers :v
a lot of my buddies + some people i see in jamaa are starting a collection. i already have a couple variations of some items, so i've decided to give it a shot. please come to my den and comment HERE (please don't jag!) what item and what variant you have. (i will not be changing my den for awhile)if you have an item you think i might like to have in my collection, jag me, but only if you have suggestions or have an item i may like! ty for your help!
user ; Insighting
here is a small peek on what i have so far! tysm for helping!