Ferns (2) - 1 Solid each
Medium & Dark Tree Stump Table - offers
Medium tree stump chairs - bad long / 210 dims each
Dark tree stump chair - offers
Corn, Pumpkins, Watermelon - 2 per bad long / 110 dims each
Rare nature archways - 2 per bad long / 100 dims each
Rare clouds - 2 per bad long / 100 dims each
Rare giant lion plushies - 2 per bad long / 100 dims each
First bday cake - bad long / 200 dims
Lots of promo den items
Theres more as well but you're able to find them in shops @ myladog <3
Can also comment, write on my wall, or dm/jag me @ trrinity :)
Can lower. User is Celledempireos!!!!!
Id post this under the nature archway page but its not letting me comment so i guess ill do it here!! i have a lava nature archway and im looking to trade it for a good short (red or purple.. wouldnt mind black either) message me @ brewtus1
Trading my 4 red long longs for a fair amount of squirrels/mice/collectors den items each! Especially looking for nature-themed collectors since I'm a huge den decorator lol. Willing to look at rare MM phantoms/bugs/collectors den items for the pink long and green long as well.
Looking for listed for anything on my trade here;
Dragon Tail is worth a solid
Pink Beta Tail is worth two solids
Archway is a good short (or more, looking for red or black short!)
Each of the chairs are worth a decent long collar each!
And the tail is worth 2 good longs! Willing to do the tail + nm db for a solid, though :J
Either reply here or jam-a-gram me at Klnglsh! (I's are lowercase L's)
Can we add crystal archway to the archway page?
Rare Flower Nature Archway
Default Armchairs
Pink Cupids
Red, brown, yelllow, purple, green, grey Snake Thrones
Spiderweb Hammock
Stone Circles
Red, orange, turquise. and pink Neon Wrists.
Green and yellow Neon Collars
Pink, red, peach, cream, magenta, white, and freedom Flower Crowns
Plz lmk if you have any!
Heyyy! I am currently trading the following items away..
Growing tomatoes x2 ✰⋆ I want a good long wrist each or 4 db each
Garden plot x1 ✰⋆ good long wrist or 4 db
RARE Rainbow cloud x1 ✰⋆ orange long or 10 den betas
RARE ice nature archway x1 ✰⋆ good short collar or 8 den betas
RARE vine nature archway x1 ✰⋆ good short collar or 8 den betas
Royal garden x1 ✰⋆ 1-3 den betas (TRADED)
My username is Eijirøu. I am a member, so just friend me and jag me if you wanna trade, or comment on here which is so much easier for me xx
Hey so i kinda wanna get into the den decorating biz but i have no stuff to den decorate with! i mean all the den decorators have grass with worms, boomseed tree / phantom tree, etc, but i have none sooo um im kinda discouraged and wanna give up but at the same time i rly love watching ppl den decorate and think it would be rly fun! so what should i do? comment below
My user is tabboud if u wanna lmk if u have grass with worms, although idk worth so i'll have to look that up first but anyways :)
I just want face value for it. Just an orange or green long. Hmu, Mintecreame. I'm gonna be trading a lot today so it may be gone. <3
Looking for bad long, rare mystical spike, head feather (no defult), or 2 skunk tails (no defult). Jag me if you want to trd!!
Searching for another flower nature archway, jag me what u want for it @Moonstonelibra Can also message me on Discord: Moonstonelibra#7303 or Insta: MoonstonelibraAJ for a faster response.
I am looking for an original rare nature archway (preferably not ice/frozen). I am offering a yellow short collar, spaceship grey walls, and rare long red and purple spiked wrists. I am willing to add, but no more than a den beta since it is pretty fair as is. If wanting to accept or talk, comment on here or jag me :) User: peaceskull9
If any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to comment as well :) Thank You to anyone who reads!
I have the rare flower nature archway for trade! Looking for yellow long or 1 green and 1 orange long! <3