User : noah29423
Always restocked! Expanded malls @ eternalreign and @ ssongo! A bunch of collector items, spikes, miscellaneous clothing, old diamond bundles, betas, masterpieces, nature, pets, and other shit.
Hello! I am looking for the following items: (If you have them, JAG me - Kestrellflight, thank you!)
♦ Planter(s) Looks like a potted Daisy flower.
♦ Gecko Banner(s)
♦ Brown and Green Pirate Chest(s) Preferably Brown.
♦ Woven Basket(s) Need!
♦ Brown Picket Fence(s)
♦ Teacup(s) Preferably brown, no blue.
♦ Two (2) Grey Stack of Books Need!
♦ Wood Jewelry Box(es)
♦ Brown Shelf(ves)
♦ Star Rug(s) No blue.
♦ Grass With Worms
♦ Beta (Party) Fence(s) Need!
♦ Cosmo Portrait(s)
♦ Dandelion Patch(es)
♦ Duck Footprint(s)
♦ Dog Sled(s)
♦ Old Water Pump(s)
♦ Phantom Toy(s)
♦ Phantom Scarecrow(s)
♦ Golden Horseshoes
♦ Keyboard(s)
♦ Teasure Chest(s)
Offering: Listed Value, maybe more.
I'm currently trying to trade up to a long collar, so anything is helpful! Mostly looking for listed :3
Jag me: Wolfie28ewe
Looking for slightly under 3 DB or of that worth :)
Hi I just started playing ajc after I got hacked on my main account a few years back and I found my spare, which is my username, DivineAnge1z. I realized I have a lot of collector items (I believe?) that aren't sought after in game. I hope I'll get a couple of fair offers for my list below. I'm generally looking for den betas (no wof) preferably nm (because I am a nm), spikes, nm cbs, or just offer! Thanks!
Let me know if you have any offers, thank you :D
Green Framed metal
Blue framed metal
Black conch couch
Red wavy bookshelf
Purple rectangular coffee table
White mop and bucket
3 blue/default mop and bucket (not in screenshot)
White flat couch
Purple flat couch
3 red/default flat couch (not in screenshot)
White walk-in closet
Black walk-in closet
Purple magma lamp
Blue magma lamp
3 default/blue Imprisoned phantoms
2 yellow Imprisoned phantoms
1 red Imprisoned phantoms (circle)
1 green Imprisoned phantoms
Wolf banner
Mira banner
Fox banner
Horse banner
Team sabertooth banner
Blue/default 2016 banner
Blue/default 2017 banner
Cool banner
10 million banner
Green/default plaid couch
Blue plaid couch
Pink green lawn chair
Blue green lawn chair
Purple green lawn chair
2 golden egg
2 giant snow globe (only one in the screenshot)
Rare hd television
Rare paradise couch
2 rare wavy bookshelf
2 rare stone chair
3 rare winter wishing well
Extra salty rare popcorn
Rare table with orb
Rare metal chimney
Cafe table
2 cafe booth
Cafe pie display
Cafe prep counter
Blue/default giant lion plushie
Rare Wildworks mascot
2nd birthday cake
3rd birthday cake
4th birthday cake
5th birthday cake
7th birthday cake kimbara
Blue snow fort pennant
Rare frog wall art
Rare flip flops
Rare feathered mask
Rare knitted sweater
2 rare candy cane socks
Rare giant jester hat
2 rare beard (only one in screenshot)
Rare parka
White squinting Meagyn's pet bear
Purple bald Meagyn's pet bear
Leis- red long and a purple long each.
Yeti- 2 solids or 2.5-3 in variety.
Pixel tail- 2 solids
Looking to trade up as much as possible.
I'm not looking for pets or diamonds! Sorry!
Looking to trade away my whole lists, certain items in bulk, or will accept offers for individual items. I will more than likely accept offers containing rare spikes, POSSIBLY rare pets, party hats, beta elf tails, glossy cupid wings, and other high demand common items. JAG me or comment offers down below!
EDIT: Mummy tail, rocker boots, and head feather have been traded!
Anyone interested? Jag me on animal jam: flakeaj
X1 rare igloo
X 3 banyan tree
X2 giant snow globe
X1 giant lion plushie
X 2 rare valentines mailbox
X1 spiderweb hammock
X1 jamaaliday window (collectors item: check the collector's wiki for the worth)
X2 rare winter wishing well
X1 rare star hat
Only lf dbs for the spikes and possibly max worth for everything else
Ones that are crossed out have been traded
Reply with any offers :v
L o o k i n g f o r :
Purple long: 2 bad longs and 1 good short
Red short: 2 beta flower barrels
Blue long: common pet mouse and a bad long
Circular chair: white one and 1 db add
Plaid couch: swap for black
Yellow short, red short, green long wrist: fair amount of dbs for them
Orange short & long wrists: both for a beta flower barrel
Rare superhero mask: a better looking rim (i've been trying to get rid of it)
Bow and arrows: bamboo fence
Orange short:
7x wood step ladders
1x wood couch
1x wood and silver chest
4x stone columns
2x woven shoji screens
Lf offers in diamonds for the rest!
Edit: flowercrown traded!
Looking for:
Heart ring: TRADED!
Orange long & short wrists: both for beta flower barrel
Bow and arrows: bamboo fence
Flower crown: idk you may offer
Purple long: 2 bad longs and 1 good short
Blue long: common mouse and bad long
Red short: 2 good long wrists
Rare superhero mask: any better looking uno rim i don't have
Plaid couch: swap for black one
Red long wrist: beta flower barrel
Orange short:
7x wood step ladders
1x wood couch
1x wood and silver chest
4x stone columns
2x woven shoji screens
Note: i'm a big fan of nature den items so if you don't have what i'm looking for you may offer those :)
I have almost a full set of the retired adventure items from The Hidden Falls, I m looking for 1 db each, preferably an RC car or rocking horse. My username is mlp4157.
I'm looking for 2 dbs for my Rare Winter Wishing Well. JAG at LapisLazuli10!
Im 6890jenny! Im looking for cavern crystal, cavern crystal cluster, BETA den items, rare burrow door. Jag for deals on AJPC
I have a bunch of these:
-2 Rare Winter Wishing Wells, looking for 2 db each, no wof/sew
-1 Rare Igloo, looking for 2 db, no wof/sew
-1 Rare Metal Chimney, looking for 2 db, no wof/sew
-2 Rare Burrow Doors, looking for 2 db each, no wof/sew
-1 Rare Owl Messenger Statue, looking for 4 db, no wof/sew
Reply here or JAG me at Kiquet! Please let me know what you're looking for in your jag!