Ideally looking to trade multiple items/pets up. Message me here or via discord: co1ibr1
Ideally looking to trade multiple items/pets up. Message me here or via discord: co1ibr1
Only a couple left!!
Blackout diamond encrusted tail is 60 dims cheaper than listing, come get it quick!!
Gifting a den beta to whoever buys it, I need it gone lol
USER - G1aci3r
Always Restocked! Huge malls @costcobargains, @eternalreign, and @ssongo! A bunch of collector items, old diamond bundles, wild weekend sets, seasonal clothing, spikes, betas, masterpieces, nature, pets, music, and other shit.
I'd rather take spikes and beta than any variety. Jag me if you're interested, my user is vicky0559.
Offering a solid for all skully colors, JAG serenpais if ur interested
I pretty much piled up all my valuable items into my list and want to know what it is worth. Does anyone have a pretty good estimate? - silverwolf0324
I’m looking for either the (blooming) emerald flower armor or the fearless flower armor, I’ll offer skullys, a genuine sparkly boa, a worn spiked collar, and a trick or treat bucket (all listed below)
user is tearedheartbackup
Prefer DM Discord: swifti#130
pets auto listed. trading up items in screenshot for long collars.
Prefer DM Discord: swifti#1303
pets auto listed. masterpieces for trade. trading up things in the white screenshot individually or in bundles for long spike collars.
I'm trading blue skullys and black jamaaliday branch antlers! My username is Waddleclaws, JAG me or reply to this post if interested! Thanks!
Hello! just looking to liquidate my stuff. Looking for longs, dbs, big promos or rare pets (only looking for specific squirrels or larger pets, can add for big pets)
What i'm looking for is beside the item, but they can be switched for their equivalent in den betas. I'm willing to haggle if trading bulk :]
Black mummy tail - good long
Phantom glove (default, pink) - good long wrist
Mega glove 3000 (default, green, purple, orange, pink) - good long wrist each
Raccoon hat (all colors) - 1 db each
Pink zios glove - decent long
Unicorn glove (pink, light blue, yellow) - good long wrist each
Green spinning top hat - good long
Cyan spinning top hat - decent long
Painters tail x2 - bad short each
Tan double tail - black long
Black skullys - good short
White ferocious feline paws - decent long wrist
Green heart ring - decent long
Sparkly boa (red, blue) - good short each
White wheels - decent short
Jamaaliday antlers (default, blue) - good short for blue, decent short for default
First gen black short - 1 db
First gen green/orange long - decent long
First gen turquoise/pink long - good short
neon spiked collar (red, purple - good long wrist
First gen blue long - decent long
First gen gold long wrist - bad short
First gen silver long x2 - good short each
First gen green long - black and red long
Feel free to post below or on my message wall :D
LF 7 variety for red and yellow tiki, and red long for all 3 shorts (db worth is equal/over). Everything else, LF listed. Offers also welcome! DM on discord @ same username :)
Trading these items! Lf listed or to trade up for bigger items.
DM me on discord if interested (same username)
UPDATE 6/18: Only last row items have not been traded
If interested reply here or jag me @ jazzemmyeshadeepa !! tysm
Black skullys
Classic elegant boots
Red club geoz hat
Red painters palette, hat and tail (offering a cb for all or can trade separate)
❗ Glow in the dark pet condo - please if ur interested lmk cause ive been tryna trade this for way too long and i kinda need the solids :')
Im looking for the following,
-White skullys
-Black skullys
-Black long wrist band
-Black beanie
- FAKE elf armor magenta tail
-FAKE pink crystal 'pegasus' tail ( forgot the real name; the diamond shop one )
-Socks with sandals
If you have any of these are mutiple of these I will offer you a solid ( I have more then one so can do multipe trades) BUT you must add (fair).
Jag Babiebunniez if intersted or reply here. ( Ill see it quicker here )
Im currently trading a purple short and two words for default skullys, I can also add another clothing beta if needed :]