Sailor- bad long
Wheels- good short (no blue)
Spike- offer
Basket- pink long
Pumpkins- good short (no blue)
Nerds- den beta or brown cupids
Sailor- bad long
Wheels- good short (no blue)
Spike- offer
Basket- pink long
Pumpkins- good short (no blue)
Nerds- den beta or brown cupids
Jag danocel ill trade a good short :3
Always restocked! Huge malls @ costcobargains, eternalreign, and ssongo! A bunch of collector items, spikes, miscellaneous clothing, old diamond bundles, betas, masterpieces, nature, pets, and other shit.
Can lower some items but quite a few have already been lowered
Just need to get a pic because I'm on the fence about buying Wheels.
Prefer DM Discord: swifti#130
pets auto listed. trading up items in screenshot for long collars.
Prefer DM Discord: swifti#130
pets auto listed. trading everything in screenshot for a red long+bad long, dm.
Trading white wheels and default wheels, for a good Short Collar or db.
--- DM: Kamlila1 or
discord: le_mashi :)
Prefer DM Discord: swifti#1303
pets auto listed. masterpieces, clothing items and den items ft (can make bundles with anything seen).
Prefer DM Discord: swifti#1303
also have black tiki mask ft. pets auto listed. masterpieces for trade. trading up things in the white screenshot individually or in bundles for long spike collars.
always restocking. mainly selling old bundle stuff and sometimes rare spikes if i'm able to
For my clothing bundles, I'd prefer to trade each outfit as a whole instead of 1 item at a time - just in case anyone asks!
Matsuri Festival Bundle
Lf a good short OR 5 den betas for one outfit / A bad long for both outfits / 100 diamonds for 1 outfit (20 diamonds/1 item) OR x2 for both outfits.
Frolicking Fair Bundle
Lf a good short OR 5 den betas for one outfit / A bad long for both outfits / 100 diamonds for 1 outfit (20 diamonds/1 item) OR x2 for both outfits.
Default Vampire Outfit
Lf a good short per item / A decent - good long for the whole set / 400 diamonds for the whole outfit (80 diamonds/1 item)
Vivid Space Explorers Bundle
Lf 3 - 4 rims per item / 2 den betas for the whole set.
I'm not bothered if this doesn't get traded as a whole set! If you want 1 item from here just let me know!
Miscellaneous Clothing Items
Peacock feathers: Yellow long / Green long & add. (I know this is over but I'm very tentative about trading these away </3)
Red patched hat: Purple or red short / 7 den betas / 100 diamonds.
Mega-Glove 3000: Yellow or pink long wrist / 2 - 3 den betas / 55 diamonds.
Police Chief Hat: Purple or red long wrist / 3 den betas / 50 diamonds.
Both non-rare gloves: Purple or red short EACH / 7 den betas / 100 diamonds EACH.
White Wheels: Purple or red short / 7 den betas / 120 diamonds.
Black Alpha Healing Staff: 1 den beta / 30 diamonds.
Snow Ruff: Red long / 22 den betas / 400 diamonds.
Black Ferocious Feline Collar: 3 den betas / 50 diamonds.
Unob Rare Epic Egyptian Hat: 4 den betas / 70 diamonds.
Unob Rare New Year's Party Hat: 1 den beta / 30 diamonds.
If you have any offers different than what I've asked here, feel free to jag me or comment!
If you'd like to purchase something for diamonds, just let me know privately (preferably jag me in-game @ alienetion) so I can add it to my shop for you and you can buy it before someone else gets it <3
selling fancy lei at my den for 430 diamonds each
ancient alpha armor and wheels also fs :]
Hello! just looking to liquidate my stuff. Looking for longs, dbs, big promos or rare pets (only looking for specific squirrels or larger pets, can add for big pets)
What i'm looking for is beside the item, but they can be switched for their equivalent in den betas. I'm willing to haggle if trading bulk :]
Black mummy tail - good long
Phantom glove (default, pink) - good long wrist
Mega glove 3000 (default, green, purple, orange, pink) - good long wrist each
Raccoon hat (all colors) - 1 db each
Pink zios glove - decent long
Unicorn glove (pink, light blue, yellow) - good long wrist each
Green spinning top hat - good long
Cyan spinning top hat - decent long
Painters tail x2 - bad short each
Tan double tail - black long
Black skullys - good short
White ferocious feline paws - decent long wrist
Green heart ring - decent long
Sparkly boa (red, blue) - good short each
White wheels - decent short
Jamaaliday antlers (default, blue) - good short for blue, decent short for default
First gen black short - 1 db
First gen green/orange long - decent long
First gen turquoise/pink long - good short
neon spiked collar (red, purple - good long wrist
First gen blue long - decent long
First gen gold long wrist - bad short
First gen silver long x2 - good short each
First gen green long - black and red long
Feel free to post below or on my message wall :D
I'm trying to get my friend wheels, please lmk if you have one!
so... I saw some collectors interested in Wheels, well I have all but the pink one and I trd them all for a Solid...
if someone is interested, if there isn't, I just won't trd and that's it, will be on the list for a few more years lol
Hi! I love "uncommon" clothing items and I'm looking to expand my collection! I have a spare solid, red long, pink long, green long, and yellow short collar to trade down into multiple or singular items each (I would prefer multiple/bulk). I can also throw in a few den betas for some lower items like second gen diamond collars. I'll put a list of what I'm specifically looking for below, but feel free to throw in other offers for my spikes!
Tin foil antlers (Pink, purple and green variants)
Green first generation diamond spike collar (Only willing to go up to pink long in worth)
Second generation diamond spike collars (Light blue, turquoise, green, purple)
Mummy tail (Off-white)
Mummy glove (Green, pink)
Wheels (Default, pink)
Skullys (Black, turquoise, indigo)
Sparkly boas (pink, blue, black)
RIM raccoon tail
Rare cupid wings
Rare antenna headband
Rare knitted sweater
Rare galoshes
I am more likely to accept offers containing multiple items! Also considering other items, but the ones listed are my priority. Respond here with offers :))
Hii! i have a few items i'm trying to collect so i'm willing to do art for them :D
Extreme high end; multiple scene drawings (i dont know if anyone will trade these for art haha)
Phantom beanie
Shark Tail
Crystal Pegasus wings
Party hat (preferably pink, but any color besides orange is good :D)
High-end items; automatic fullbody
Pillow pets
Skullies (default)
Double tail (pink)
Peacock feathers
Windjammer hat
Ahoy Sailor hat
Epic Pizza hat
Medium-low end items; icon, bust, or coloured sketch
Cotton candy hat (red, black, or white)
Happy or sad drama mask
Epic star hat (light blue/grey or yellow/purple)
Large Planter
Anything from Princess castle promo set
Anything from Friendship cottage promo set
Now for the art examples >:D
Full scene example
Full body example
Bust example
Icon example
Comment if interested :D