Wanted to make some more art in fresh paint
Thanks for the advice, i'll make sure to avoid this place.
Wanted to make some more art in fresh paint
Just don't reply here if you're gonna type with that tone again.
The way someone talks - in person or online - matters to me.
I'm just tired of people answering with jokes. i already experience that in person, now the internet?
Mind showing me which aparri picture you're reffering to? couldn't find it in google images.
And if you were joking, maybe don't do it in posts that are looking for specific answers and your joke isn't all that specific
An arctic wolf (full white) with a light pink hd, black long, beta blanket, and a glitched ring
Is that what flexers look like nowadays? wouldn't know. just went off of memory. also i already bought most of the apparel and don't want to spend more money
Why? for fandragon reasons... https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79308084
Also if it's a gif of it dancing and advertising its trade list, even better
Found fresh paint on my laptop and made this
I've drawn a grassy greed field with a blue sky while trying out a random art program i found 3 times now
First it was the samsung notes app, then procreate, and now fresh paint
A stall that i drew for a dappervolk art conest
The #60830 thing is my user id on there
I'm just wondering what the opposite of my username would be
Clearer image
26 Votes in Poll
Kindergarten :'>
@Peacesofmagic it was because someone sent a picture of corn (just normal corn, i think it might've been the corn ajc den item?) to clark and got blocked after
It is confused about why it was resurrected into a pixelly and off looking form
It is also confused about why i kept using this username even though julian2 quit half a decade ago
Scribble scribble
Multiple scribbles: one green tree, and one sparkly tree (a tree from flightrising)
47 Votes in Poll
2022 just came where i am :D
I tried a clean and geometric (?) artstyle with this :>
The shape fill tool in medibang was very helpful
Tried out shading with blue and yellow :>
An outfit with only ribbons and bows
Also random hooty picture i took while rewatching s2 of toh
Got the idea when i was intending to make the throne room in the newtopia castle (from amphibia) but decided to scrap that and do a treasury instead
A very rob-able treasury