Can also sell them for diamonds or bulk trade, all have autos.
They are all worth a few rims-cb each
Im not sure, I can sell or trade :>
Thecrimsonclown any nm den beta! Thank you so much!
So good! I love your take on them :D
I have the full set of maple leaf wings, autumn trunk gauntlets, and turkey tail feathers.
Usually if you can't find it, assume its worth a few rims-a clothing beta
Can also sell them for diamonds or bulk trade, all have autos.
The OGs fr fr
@Could aj Its not just latter day saints that base their lifestyle off of religion, plenty of other religions do it as well, maybe to more extremes. Why do we do it? We believe in it, we believe we will prosper from it. For example, avoiding alcohol or caffeine for the benefit of our health, or in Islam or Judaism not eating certain foods tied to their core beliefs. There are reasons for those rules, and you believe in those reasons, so you follow them.
For some, religion has been so engrained into their lives, that these lifestyles just make sense to them. Even if they don't particularly believe in that religion anymore, its how they were raised, and some see non-religious reason behind them as well.
I totally agree. Christianity definitely has a massive history of hypocrisy and overall racism and homophobia. As a POC LGBTQ+ Latter Day Saint, I've faced it myself, even from my own family. But, like always, its the minority. A large bulk of the church and church leaders publicly disagree with these beliefs. Why do I see it all the time? Well, how often do you see good acts on media? Media discusses what will gather attention, which is usually negativity. Its what people see the most, so its what they believe. Stereotyping. Its similar to furries, right? Usually, when people think of furrys, they think of neo-nazis or zoophiles, though most of us know its a very small minority.
I'd like to eliminate a few misconceptions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
-Our core and biggest belief is to love one another (God first ofc)
-Our second biggest belief is that everyone has agency, and nobody but god has the right to take that away
-Our third biggest belief, we are stewards of our bodies and the earth.
I know you see those and think, "that's ironic..."
I do too. Hypocrisy is something I face every. Day. It makes me sick. Its performative activism. They do horrible things based on their own opinions and loose/outdated religious evidence, and think they can take the savior card because of their Christianity. Its horrible, but all i can do is not give them the light of day to continue spreading their negativity and focus on spreading positivity. Knowing in my heart that I am being true to myself and a good human being is enough for me, and I won't stoop down to their level. I won't let them get away with their unrighteous/evil beliefs, but im not going to be a jerk.
Your art never misses
Your new style is much softer and so pleasing to look at! So pretty :D
Looking for medium-high quality art, or high quality characters with reasonable prices. No specific budget, do not ask.
High priority: bulk commissions, fast workers
Please list:
Will only pay after the sketch, or after I see reasonable progress. (Unless I trust you/you are trusted) Contact me on discord or on here. (Discord: Thecrimsonclown#0642)
Yeah, and alright
1st: thingy (on disc)
2nd: @Butterfly39881
3rd: @Ryuuthefrog
4th: beas (on disc)
Comment your username, if you aren’t member please be able to get on in the next few hours or so
I was waiting for those people to make those entries but I’ll end it now I suppose
I do have discord, it’s on my profile :)
Thanks you guys for everything
And downwards you aren’t getting anything, sorry. You are and have been super disrespectful to me like all the time lmao
Thanks u guys :)
Hey pals,
Ive decided to resign and quit (for the most part) Animal Jam and the AJIWW. I’m growing older, and with school, work, and my social life I’ve had little to no time to fulfill my duties as a discussions moderator, and play or do anything on animal jam.
Im planning on trading away all my stuff for commissions and such and then fully removing myself from the community. Feel free to communicate with me on my social media’s and other forms of communication.
Bye pals :)